I.Japan Association of School Dentists
Japan Association of School Dentists (JASD) was founded in 1932 with the primary goal to ensuring that Japanese children attending kindergartens, elementary, middle and high schools have a high standard of oral health.
The Association was incorporated in 1971 and has been working closely with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Since then, its activities have increased greatly and now involved approximately 24,500 school dentists.
Administration office is located at the following address.
4-1-20 kudan kita, Chiyoda City, Tokyo, Japan 102-0073
Tel: +81-3-3263-9330
Fax: +81-3-3263-9634
E-mail: JASD@nichigakushi.or.jp
Any individual dentist and the professional person teaching at the educational institute who has interests in the school dentistry shall be eligible for membership in this association as set forth in the Bylaws.

IV.Role of School Dentist
1.Periodical and regular health examination
Oral health examination which is laid down the rule on health and safety for the school children carry out at least once a year, regularly. “Detect earlier, treat earlier” was the motto of the former regular examination, however, current criteria of oral examination has been included the status in caries suspicious as “CO”, caries under observation and also GO, “gingivitis under observation”. Furthermore, malocclusion and temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction are also in check-up list. The most important point is the screening of oral diseases.
2.Health education in school
In the school curriculum, health and sports subject, children can be received some lectures such as the function of oral cavity, important role of mastication and inter relation between general and oral health by school dentist together with school teacher or nurse teacher.
3.Consultation on oral health
Owing to the differences of health conditions of individual children, both group and individual instruction are important. School dentists need to share their professional knowledge to school children and PTA organization.
4.Advice to oral health promotion in school
School dentists had better to have a chance to discuss with nurse teacher on individual consultation for children.
Nurse teacher and class teacher like to listen some professional comments from school dentists. It is practically effective to make advancement of oral care program in school.
5.Attend to the committee for school health
The committee for school health should be organized in each school according to the Law of the School Health and Safety. It is a forum joining school teacher, parents society, regional official and school medical doctor and school dentists and discuss problems concerning children’s general health and oral health care. The committee should be hold at least once a year.
6.Discussion with school teachers and nurse teacher
In order to implement oral health promotion in school one of the important issue is to communicate smoothly with school teacher and nurse teacher. School dentists should have meeting with them from time to time.
V.Function of the JASD
1.Annual meeting of oral health care of Japanese Association of School Dentistry
Every year the JASD held the annual assembly and general meeting with different local association supporting the JASD. Usually nearly two thousand attendees, such as school dentists, hygienists, school teachers, nurse teachers and students in dental hygienist school are coming to join this meeting.
2.Awarding ceremony of the excellent schools on oral health promotion in the last year
The highest award is given to the five schools for their excellent efforts to promote oral health activities in school selected by judge committee. Ten schools will receive the JASD President Award and also ten schools will receive Japanese Dental Association President Award. Further more about hundred schools will receive the Encourage Award for their further efforts from the JASD.
3.Continuing education for school dentist
The JASD have the continuing education for school dentist to refresh their knowledge and to learn the most recent information. Instructors are sending from the JASD and/ or the local organization of the JASD. They use the same manual book at each meeting. The course will be given in a half day.
4.Oral health promotion in school
Local the JASD association will give a special lecture on how to make advancement of oral health to cooperating with school nurse teacher. They usually have the time for practice.
5.Discussion for mutual understanding with local dental association
It is very important for planning a special promotion program in own district. Co-working with local dental association is the key factor to success the events.
6.Publication of the JASD journal and other promotion prints
There are several types of the booklets, guide pamphlets and an official journal. We use these publications at continuing education, advertisement to public society and new comer to the JASD.
7.Epidemiological study
The JASD will carry on some epidemiological studies together with Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). These data are mostly based on the annual oral examination and other physical examinations.